Gratian didn’t send it on the spot, but when he entered the town, he asked naively, "Why don’t these soldiers support me? And choose that’ female’ who will please the nobility and make everything worse? "


Andrews, the chief counselor of Gratian Hui, dressed as a scholar, sighed and said, "It’s not only the wealth that the queen is willing to pay, but also their own interests. These soldiers are aristocratic men or small nobles. They have vested interests in the original system of the empire. They own fields, manors and slaves, and these are precisely the reasons why the empire is gradually weakening. Of course, they can’t see this, but they can’t accept it if they want to" hand over "all this to those who are poor, hungry and return home.
"moth! National moth! Roman cancer! " However, to Andrews’ surprise, this remark seemed to touch a taboo of Grati’s peace of mind. His face was livid with anger and growled, "I absolutely won’t allow these moth sucking imperial blood to live! They have forgotten the glory and faith of their ancestors. I must reform and change all this like Britain to make Rome prosperous again! "
In the face of Gratian’s almost venting growl, Andrews wisely chose silence. He was the adviser of Gratian. He must support all Gratian’s views conditionally. Although he believed that those reform measures were too’ radical’ to be implemented outside Britain, I am afraid they would be greatly opposed. However, he also positively agreed that the road ahead of Rome would be dark if it was not reformed.
The car drove on and soon came to the center of the town, where there was a temporary wooden negotiation meeting room. It looked like a lords’ hall, but a long wooden fence across the whole town at both ends of the palace divided the whole palace into two equal parts, one south and the other north. There is no doubt that this is also a measure to ensure the safety of the meeting
The driver stopped outside the palace, and several guards in Angangma, Grati immediately gathered around him warily, just as the body covered Gratian all around, so as to avoid possible assassination from a distance.
At the same time, the rest of the guards were responsible for their duties. Some of them quickly ran to some buildings next to the palace to check whether they were hiding the killer. Others entered the negotiation hall first to make arrangements and make arrangements. The whole scene seemed compact and solemn.
Because of the wall blocking method, we can see the other side of the palace, but outside the palace, Gratian and others can still clearly hear other movements from the opposite Ma Si. Obviously, the queen’s driver has arrived.
Ten minutes later, a guard ran to Gratian and bowed his head. "Tell the temple that everything is ready for admission."
Smell speech already impatient to wait Gratian immediately in’ shi’ from the assistance and finishing a just in the carriage for a gift and then changed a dignified expression striding into the palace uniform, followed by Maximus Andrews.
On the other side, a purple’ color’ long skirt highlights the noble status. Justina also entered the palace with a phoenix eye and a mighty light skirt. Four rose guards stood around by the sword’ Shi’.
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All successful people create motivation, please work hard! Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
The seventieth day sword rose negotiations ()
When the two protagonists meet today, they sit at the same time and touch each other’s eyes. At the moment, a little bit of fire’ flowers’ will continue to rub and breed in the void, and then splash down forever. Of course, it is not love but deep hatred!
The husband is old and wants to give his fortune to his wife, but the second wife is eager to let her own son get the rich inheritance, and she will make a series of despicable plots to murder her husband and deprive her husband of the legal inheritance that his ex-wife grew up [search for the latest update is in bsp; Look, please remember our website.
What a cliche it is to talk about family farce, which is concealed in the so-called false family members’ sexual violence’ exposure, but it is instantly expanded several times in your country’s monarch and royal family. Family affairs have become state affairs, which has led to farce. Every move of both sides directly leads to the rise and fall of a country. Is this the law to escape the curse or the repeated ethical sorrow?
Gratian doesn’t know Justina, and she doesn’t know, because all their eyes are left with the glittering throne that rules the people at the moment. The motives are different, but the purpose is regrettable.
The atmosphere was solemn and solemn, and the conference room was small. Except for the two parties, a few people were lucky enough to have witnessed this historic negotiation with the future ruler of Rome. Everyone held their breath for the storm.
"Make a wise choice. Gratian will hand over the throne and Rome will cheer its new owner."
When gradually depressed to the extreme, Justina straightened up slightly, and her beautiful face suddenly changed into a formidable momentum. Her eyes were high as if overlooking her subjects, even though a noble Roman emperor was sitting in front of her.
"I will not accept a forged imperial edict."
Gratian tone firm and composed in the face of the queen’s power, the former body also exudes a no less than the latter emperor style! The first emperor, Valenian I, was once a weak and immature child. With the sense of responsibility and mission honed, he is gradually transforming into a qualified emperor!
Gratian leaned forward a little and put her hands on the long table, seemingly inadvertently dialing her fingers with each other. However, when that little move fell into the eyes of the queen, she couldn’t help but let the latter’s eyes shake slightly and then the pupils contract imperceptibly.
Look at Gratian’s middle finger on his left hand, impressively wearing a ring with a quaint appearance, and the former apparently deliberately refutes the noble-sounding announcement of the heir’s ownership just now. Because the ring has been orthodox and legal in all previous dynasties, the Roman emperor’s heirs’ keepsake has never wavered, even those arrogant and fierce people have spared no effort to claim the ring as their own and show that it is more legal.
In fact, since the news of Valentinian’s death came, Justina almost turned the whole queen upside down and tried to find this ring, but she found it, but today she saw it in Gratian’s hand.
Obviously, Valentinian didn’t leave Gratian with nothing but this ring, which was enough to make Justina feel very difficult.
"My father personally conferred the title of Emperor in front of all the court ministers. This is a law that obliterates the fact, and the whole of Rome can attest to it. As far as I know, there seems to be no fault in this period, so that my father decided to suddenly change his mind and depose me before he died and give it to my stinking younger brother!"
Seems to be aware of Justina’s momentary change of expression after seeing the ring. Gratian is more decisive and logical to expand the situation.
"Please pay attention to your words, Gratian. You are mocking the future emperor of the empire!"
And it seems that Gratian’s words touched a nerve of Justina, and she retorted coldly.
"Oh, really? I’m sorry that I’m the imperial monarch here at present, but he’s just a child who doesn’t know the world. Doesn’t it seem offensive to shape his brother like this? "
For the first time, Gratian felt that he really took the initiative. He looked at Andrews and Maximus beside him with a little pride, and then his eyes gradually became as cold as winter snow and ice. Grati’s sound was very low, but it was enough for Justina to hear clearly. The deep voice was like an echo in an ice cave, which made the latter give birth to a biting chill.
"Pack up your disgusting face in front of me! Sooner or later, I will find out who you’ inserted’ around my father! Andrews went to the East for me and came back only a few days ago. Although Diodor Xibi told me that my father was not there before he died because he happened to be patrolling the northern defense line, the member of my father’s guard had a military record from a long time. The root law has been tampered with. When Diodor Xibi promised to copy me a military record and send it to you for self-editing, the truth will be revealed in an instant. At that time, you will become a dirty mouse in broad daylight, and you can hide in the’ Yin’ dark gutter and enjoy the darkness with your fellow rats.
Staring at Grati Anrui’s knife-like eyes, Justina suddenly felt a little strange. She could not imagine that this person was the boy who used to shrink in front of her because of fear. He really changed. In his body, Justina saw Valeni Anying in a trance.
Tiger father dog? Justin’s heart secretly sneered. It’s a pity that you are too late after all and doomed to failure!
Atos!’ Justin’s eyes a strange smile passed, and then she looked indifferently avoided Gratian’ forced’ to reach out and call out to an attendant beside her gracefully.
A "refined" hand box appeared in the hands of the guards, and then the guards respectfully moved the wooden box along the Queen’s slender "jade" finger and placed it on the long table, and then gently called.
Neatly, three rows of brass central axis official document scrolls lay quietly in the wooden box.
Justina’s beautiful face, which has not been eroded by years, shows a triumphant smile. She appreciates Gratian’s frown and puzzled expression with satisfaction for a moment before she gently moves her voice and says, "I don’t need to defend Gratian for slandering and slandering you unless you have so-called evidence to prove to the world, but before that, I have to solemnly inform you or tell you that Daroma’s will is more appropriate for my son, Little Flavis? Kojes? Valeni Annous will be the emperor of the empire! In front of you, these scrolls are signed by the governors of the imperial provinces. They have all declared their loyalty to my son and sincerely hope that he will ascend to the throne as soon as possible! "
Justin Na’s voice is so peaceful, but in Gratian, it sounds so overbearing at the moment, full of winners, and she does have this attitude. However, when the face’ color’ changes dramatically, Gratian can’t wait to reach out and take out a scroll exhibition. After seeing it, the expression has fully said that Justin Na flashed a killing trick, which was fatal.
"How is that possible? ! How is it possible! " Staring at the scrolls stamped with the seals of provincial governors in their hands, Grati sank with peace of mind, like rolling in the deep, and despair overflowed his limbs. He didn’t expect those wavering provincial governors to choose the side of the queen, so what made them finally give up the principle completely!
Gratian looked up and his eyes were filled with anger. He clenched his hands crazily and stared at Justina’s face. At this moment, the winning smile appeared.
What? ! Hehe, interesting question. Why do those governors give up their hesitation and join the Queen’s camp?
It’s simple to coerce Gary to "seduce"! How many people who are governor of the province can keep themselves clean and have no shady activities? How many people didn’t seek’ private’ to regard imperial laws and how many people who didn’t have vested interests faced the pain of being robbed of their interests in the reform that Gratian has been carrying out!
Justina knows everything because she is a careful’ female’ person. Maybe she doesn’t have great talent, but she knows how to firmly tie the people around her, so that they can enjoy depravity in exchange for wealth and always fear the sword of Damocles hanging behind them! Let them’ desire’ to refuse to welcome, and finally they can bow down and beg for mercy in her skirt!
It is with this extraordinary skill that Justina’ spent’ so long that she finally made the choice of the provincial governors one by one. Now that these scrolls are in hand, no one can stop her son from becoming the Roman emperor! Unless Gratian dares to take a big risk and seize the troops!
However, Justina will be more happy if that happens, because it means that Gratian has completely lost the legal status of competing for the throne and fallen into the empire. Justina will no longer have to worry that her "sinister" plot will be exposed one day because no one will believe a traitor!
"Gratian, if you lose, then throw in the towel." Justina’s tone has completely changed, which is not against coercion with a hint of condescending pity. "You don’t have time to find the so-called evidence, and you can easily get out of the Germanic invasion without the support of the empire. You have a’ fine’ sharp army, but even the base counterattack can do it! Give up. I want you to choose a minister and be loyal to the new emperor. I promise that I will allow you to continue to command the imperial army to defend northern Xinjiang and inherit your father’s mantle. Isn’t that what you want? "
"Choose, Gratian. You have one chance!"
Justin’s face with a charm’ confused’ the world smile as if to lead’ lure’ Eve to steal the forbidden fruit beauty snake …
Your message is even a * _ *
All successful people create motivation, please work hard! Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section seventy-one Break
Please remember me when the hall was silent for a while.
Gratian’s eyes looked at the tables, and the scrolls that he had checked over and over again made his back stand stronger. He leaned back with a slight stoop, and his facial expression remained calm. However, his mouth and lips, which were slightly livid, had exposed his difficult mood [search for the latest update in bsp; Although Grati Anhe’s aides had imagined many times that there might be unfavorable situations in the negotiations before coming, they did not expect that the Queen would take out her killer weapon and "smoke" the bottom of the pot directly, skipping Gratian’s statement and seeking the support of provincial governors!
Gratian didn’t expect Justina’s wrist to be so strong that in just one month, she coerced and lured most governors to drive a law to reverse the established fact that Little Flavis would be justified and supported by the people of all provinces and Rome to ascend to the throne!
These scrolls were made public, and Gratian had already lost, because he had to go on because there were some things he couldn’t do, and he wasn’t cruel enough or unscrupulous enough.
So he can choose to bend …
Just as everyone in the meeting hall held their breath and stared at the two people who decided the future fate of the empire, no one would have thought of a small accident.
North of Locarno Town
A team of Queen’s soldiers who are in charge of guarding the entrance of the northern town are scanning the surrounding area with vigilance and dare not neglect. Obviously, this is not an easy task, because the northern part of the town is connected with large tracts of dense forests, and the edge of the forest town is also covered with half-man-tall shrubs. These shrubs were cut regularly when people lived in the original town. Now, with the waste of the town, the shrubs outside the town have no external constraints, showing a wild growth.
Because of this, it’s a bit overwhelming to take care of such a large area with complex terrain and obstacles everywhere with just 20 pairs of eyes, but fortunately, the facts of these rose warriors don’t need to be too nervous, because in the eyes of ordinary people, it’s extremely stupid to make rash moves when two of Rome’s most important figures meet in person. I believe no one is willing to take the risk that everything is under control.